Tangled Social is a social media platform. Tangled is completely unique from other social media platforms i.e facebook, X (twitter), WhatsApp, linkagogo, pinterest, leenkup, delicious, etc. Tangled Social is a new website just one year old and it has 90000 members right now. So join this amazing platform as early bird to earn its own cryptocurrency millix. Although millix has now very low value, if holded there may be a chance to rise.

How to Create an Account

First of all click here to visit the website. Press the "create account" button and fill in all the required boxes with your username, email address, solve the captcha, and check the "I agree" box. Now hit the "create account" button.

Tangled Social

Or directly sign up with google, apple, and twitter.

After completing the sign up process. Verify your account. After account verification login to your account using the blue colour "login" button on the top right corner.

After logging in account click three lines at the left side from the bottom menu. A vertical menu at the left side will be opened. 

Hit the download button and you will find two more options under this tab i.e, download browser and android app. If you use mobile phone click android app while download browser is for computer users.


Launch the browser app after installation is completed.

Click your name and hit the "edit profile" button at your home page. Upload a profile photo and cover photo as used in facebook, twitter, and YouTube etc. Write down a short intro and a bio about yourself. You may change your username and name here.

When you create an account and install the application. 200000 millix added immediately to your account as bonus to start and create post.

How to Create a Post

From the bottom menu click the "+" plus button or click the "create post" button from the left side vertical menu. A new page will be opened for creating new post. You can create a post in three easy steps:
Directly come to the body and start like this example post. "Hi #tanglers I am new to Tangled Social". If you have an image, vide, link, or YouTube video, just click the concerned button  under the body area and add. Click the "next" button for second step.

In second step select comments settings from immediately to 72 hours. You can demand a fees for unlocking your post. If you don't want to publish post immediately you have the choice to schedule your post. If your post has adult content, press 18+ for adult warning. Now click "next" button for third step.

In the third step you can add funds to your post for promotion. If you want to mention all your subscribers check the box for this purpose. Normal post fees is 10000 millix, if you want to mention all your subscribers, 1500 millix will be charged per subscriber. Click the "post" button to publish your post.

How to Earn Millix

Millix is the cryptocurrency used by the Tangled Social platform. However its value is very low but with time passage it may rise to a sustained value. There are many ways to earn millix. When you publish a post you pay 10000 millix for for every view on your post you earn.1000 millix. For every reaction you earn 1000 millix. For every comment on your post you earn 5000 millix.

If someone tag you in his/her post you earn 1500 millix. Using tangled app earns 20000 millix every 30 minutes. Using browser app on computer or laptop earns 100000 millix every 30 minutes.

Referrals can also earn you free millix. Completing activities is the easiest way to earn millix. You can get tips from other users to earn millix.

How to Link with other Social Media to Verify Account

Click your name and select "account verification" at the bottom of your profile home page. Copy link from the social media verification and paste it to the bio of your instagram, tiktok, twitter, or youtube account. Now copy your profile link and paste it into the box shown and click the "continue" button to verify your account.

How to Purchase Badge to Participate in Activities

Activities are the easiest way to earn millix. You can earn millions of millix a day by carrying out other tanglers activities. For this purpose badge is paramount. Without badge you can't participate any activity. Minimum price of a badge is 500000 millix which can be earned in.two days.

From the left side menu click "marketplace". On the next page select badges. Try to purchase country flag as your first badge. You hold Pakistani nationality, select Pakistan flag and clcik buy button. 500000 millix will be deducted from account. Now you are eligible to take part in activities to earn more millix.

Once your balance reaches to 1.2 USD, you can withdraw to your binance account.

If you are interested please join via this link.